Think about Blue Door Builders as your one-stop shop for all your home improvement needs!

Sometimes people get confused and are afraid to ask if we do certain types of work.  Here are some things we have heard from past clients that we hope to never hear from you.

1. "I didn't know you did that type of work."

Our reaction: "We do that type of work all the time."

2. "I didn't want to bother you with it."

Our reaction: "You are not bothering us.   That is our job."

3. "I didn't think to call you about it."

Our reaction: "Please think of us as your main resource for all your home needs."

4. "It wasn't a very big job."

Our reaction: "We do both big and small jobs.  That is what keeps our business going."

5. "I just called a handyman."

Our reaction: "A handyman may not be qualified."

6. "I got a flyer for a contractor in my mailbox."

Our reaction: "You called a contractor advertised in your mailbox?"

7. "I didn't think you would have time."

Our reaction: "We always enjoy making time for our customers."

8. "My husband or my wife just picked someone out of the phone book."

Our reaction: "Just call us first!"

9. "My realtor or designer referred us to a guy."

Our reaction: "That is their guy; we are your guys!"

10. "I wish I had called you first!"

Our reaction: "You should have.  It could have saved you time, money, and possible problems."

We want you to call us first.  Some clients think just because we can build you a 7,000 square-foot custom home that we will not be available to help you with your smaller projects.  That has never been the case.  In fact, we pride ourselves on being able to accommodate most of your needs.  We try hard to take even the smallest jobs.  This way we know you are going to think of us each and every time you need something done.  We are in the business of cultivating longterm relationships so that we can keep working for only the best people, as well as their friends and families.  We would much rather have the chance to say, "Yes, we can help you," than to find out that you were taken advantage of or had a bad experience.  We do not expect you to always to hire us, but if you were happy with our work in the past, or know someone who was, please consider us first.

Here are some examples of the other building services we provide.  Did you know we can help you with?

*All types of insurance work, water damage, hail damage, etc.  We evaluate your adjuster's report and then do our own evaluation to make sure you are getting everything you are owed.

*Creating a new entrance for your neighborhood, or working with your HOA to update things.

*Tree trimming and stump removal.

*Paving an existing drive or a road.

*Restoring your dirty tile by cleaning it with a high pressure machine, which is a cheaper option than replacement.

*Working with you to manage maintenance on your rental properties or getting properties ready to sell.

As we have tried to explain above, if you have a need for something that may not be listed, please ask us about it.

Click here to view some pictures of this type of work.


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